URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/930
Title: #930: SBUS: remove dbus fd from tevent loop when watch is removed

pbrezina commented:
Patch from sssd-2.x: f1f9af528f

The interesting thing is that `watch->fde` should be freed with `watch` because 
it is its parent (see the code below) and there should not be any need to free 
it explicitly. I fixed it in sssd-2.x because valgrind kept complaining about 
it, but I do not recall any crash caused by it.

    watch->fde = tevent_add_fd(conn->ev,
                               watch, fd, event_flags,
                               sbus_watch_handler, watch);

But at least the patch is harmless so we can push it with hope that it will fix 
the issue... can you perhaps try to catch it with valgrind?


See the full comment at 
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