URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/956
Title: #956: tests: fix race confition in enumeration tests

alexey-tikhonov commented:
Hi @mzidek-rh,

> I agree with the reasoning for this patch. ACK.

Do you by any chance have an explanation for the this 
`time.sleep(INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT/2)` (replaced with 
`time.sleep(INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT)` in this patch)? What is its purpose?

Commit message is talking about "the time we should wait in order to have the 
changes reflected" but that's not the case for this sleep, IMO.

Or maybe it is, but I do not understand it.
Those timeouts (changed by this patch) are awaited *before* `ldap_conn.add_s` 
is called. What is asserted after those timeouts is that `ent` is empty.
Probably there is a reason to do so, probably there are leftovers in 'ent' or 
something like that and tests need to wait previous enumeration to complete to 
have it clean. But no explanations is really given, IMO.

See the full comment at 
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