URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/5251
Title: #5251: subdomains: allow to inherit case_sensitive=Preserving

pbrezina commented:
> Hi,
> thanks for the rebase. I'm not sure I like the last patch. Why would you want 
> to set `case_sensitive=Preserving` only on some clients and especially not on 
> the server? Wouldn't this cause confusion? I would even say that it the SSSD 
> side is fixed it might be better to ask FreeIPA to add a ipa config option to 
> set `case_sensitive` for the whole domain and the SSSD use this new option.

Do you suggest to add case_sensitive option in IPA similar to what we do with 
e.g. domain_resolution_order?

> Addtionally, without any flags set `SSS_NSS_GETPWNAM_EX` should return the 
> same result as `SSS_NSS_GETPWNAM`, so adding `Preserving` flag would be a 
> solution, but this would require additional changes on the IPA side.

Given IPA lower case what it gets then why it needs to return the same result?

If you don't agree with the patch then I suggest to enable this for AD only for 
now and see what we can do for IPA later (the customer behind this requests it 
for AD provider).

See the full comment at 
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