URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/5450
Title: #5450: kcm: add support for kerberos tgt renewals

justin-stephenson commented:
> Thank you for your patience, last two nitpick in code and we can push.
> And perhaps different wording for the release notes (fill in the version):
> ```
>     :feature: Added support for automatic renewal of renewable TGTs that are 
> stored in
>     KCM ccache. This can be enabled by setting `tgt_renewal = true`. See the 
> sssd-kcm man page for
>     more details. This feature requires MIT Kerberos X.Y.Z
> ```

Fixed and pushed, not sure if ``MIT Kerberos krb5-1.19-0.beta2.3 or higher.`` 
is the correct wording however.

See the full comment at 
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