On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 08:23:04AM +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
> Pavel Březina wrote:
> >> But I'm struggling that groups are not correctly retrieved - see my last
> >> attempt of sssd.conf attached.
> >>
> >> 1. After login id does not show the user's groups although the OpenLDAP 
> >> logs
> >> show that group entries are searched and returned to sssd by OpenLDAP's 
> >> slapd.
> > 
> > can you raise debug level in nss, sudo and domain section to 9 (put
> > debug_level = 9 in [nss], [sudo] and [domain/yourdomain] sections in
> > sssd.conf? What does the logs say?
> It turned out to be a bug in our own Debian package.
> The lib memberof.so was not found.
> Now I'm still working on getting sudoers to work via sssd. But that's another
> story...

Glad the issue was resolved! Feel free to ping this list again if you
can't get the sudo integration working. Please note you need relatively
recent sudo built with the --with-sssd (not sure if Debian would do that
even in -unstable/-testing)
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