On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 06:25:25PM +0000, Bright, Daniel wrote:
> I was told by the good folks at the 389-users mailing list to instead 
> redirect my question to the sssd-users list so here goes, thanks in advance!
> All,
> I am in the process of moving away from pam_ldap and on to pam_sss. The basic 
> sssd setup is working just fine, user authentication works, getent passwd 
> works, caching is great, everything looks like it's working fine except for 
> password policy enforcement. I am wondering if there is some sort of password 
> policy overlay I need to use, or a special setup of sssd.conf, I tried using 
> "ldap_pwd_policy=shadow" however this doesn't allow me to change passwords, I 
> instead get this error:
> [user1@someserver ~]$ passwd
> Changing password for user user1.
> Current Password:
> New password:
> Retype new password:
> Password change failed. Server message: Failed to update password
> (3 second delay here)
> passwd: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
> As soon as I comment out ldap_pwd_policy=shadow this error goes away, however 
> so does my password policy enfocement.
> If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated, I will post a working 
> config on my blog after this is done so we can help others too.
> Thanks!
> Daniel B.

Hi Daniel,

what kind of password policy do you use on the server, if any? Is it
anything like

Can you post the sanitized version of your pam_ldap configuration so we
can suggest the best SSSD alternative?
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