On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:18:44PM +0200, Sami K wrote:
> Hello,
> We have been lately having big problems with sssd caching. On our ssh
> servers, (each with ~100-200 users) login may take several minutes as the
> sssd_be -process uses 100% cpu time and sssd_be -process may be in this
> state for days. Clearing the cache and restarting sssd during the day
> usually helps and then everything works for few days, sometimes only hours.
> It is not clear what triggers this behaviour, maybe some some combination
> of lots of users and cache update at the same time.
> The culprit seems to have been addition of few big groups lately to ldap
> for our access policy worsening the situation and sssd-performance.
> On test server simple id command and empty cache with same setttings as in
> production takes:
> [root@testsk tmp]# time id testusr
> uid=1143(testusr) gid=100(users)
> groups=100(users),3318(roam),3102(nixe),1000(staff1),3785(wl-staff1),3119(system),3402(fileaccess),3377(vpn1),120(grp2),3123(devel),1001(devel3),3378(vpn2),3266(usr),3386(access3)
> real    0m28.689s
> user    0m0.006s
> sys    0m0.007s
> We have currently several groups with around 17 000 and 3000 users so this
> id query creates over 100k ghost users to cache:
> [root@testsk tmp]# ldbsearch -H /var/lib/sss/db/cache_TESTAUTH.ldb |grep
> ghost |wc -l
> asq: Unable to register control with rootdse!
> 105196
> Indeed, with full debug (time of id-command is then over 1 minute) all I
> see in the logs ldap backend mostly adding ghost users to cache as it adds
> information from _all_ groups related to that uid. As backend is not
> respondind to monitor pings fast enough, monitor tries to kill it and
> restart. Same happens also in production servers. I have already extended
> timeout to 60 but it seems not to be enough.
> This latter case seems to be relevant especially when we started to receive
> complaints from some people that httpd authentication was not working.
> Apache error log shows:
> [Tue Oct 29 12:21:36 2013] [error] [client xxx.xx.xx.xx] GROUP: testuser
> not in required group(s).
> when in fact user is in the required group but it seems that sssd just
> fails to respond fast enough. This is (PAM, AuthType Basic, Require group
> testgroup) kind of authentication.
> This is on RHEL6.4, sssd-1.9.2-82.10.el6_4.x86_64.  Configured services
> nss, ldap:
> sanitized config:
> ------------------------
> [sssd]
> config_file_version = 2
> debug_level = 1
> reconnection_retries = 3
> timeout = 60
> services = nss
> domains = TESTAUTH
> [nss]
> filter_groups = root
> filter_users = root
> reconnection_retries = 3
> debug_level = 1
> [domain/TESTAUTH]
> debug_level = 1
> ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 3600
> id_provider = ldap
> auth_provider = ldap
> ldap_uri = ldap://authserv.test
> ldap_search_base = dc=test
> ldap_user_search_base = ou=People,dc=test
> ldap_group_search_base = ou=Group,dc=test
> So in the end, any ideas or suggestions how to improve the situation? Of
> course I'm willing to debug/test this more if needed as the current
> situation is almost disastrous.
> Cheers,
>  - Sami

Hi Sami,

I'm sorry you are having problems with SSSD.

In 6.5, we added a new "ignore_group_members" option that makes all groups
appear as empty. Setting this option to "true" would make a huge performance
gain at the expense of not seeing the group members. But if your
environment relies on group membership mostly for access control, that
should be fine.

> ps. Quick test on a Fedora 19 and sssd-1.11.1-4.fc19 made the same queries
> in 7 seconds or less so apparently some progress in performance has been
> done. Any idea when would RHEL6 sssd be rebased? 

Not in RHEL-6.5 :-) Currently it's not clear if RHEL6 will rebase. (And
details about future RHEL updates are not usually disclosed on public
mailing list).

> I tried to compile latest
> git-version on RHEL6 but I couldn't find all required components (for ex.
> configure: error: you must have the cifsidmap header installed to build the
> idmap plugin).

Passing --disable-cifs-idmap-plugin to configure should get rid of this
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