SSSD cares only about the users it detects by design.

The solution is to use ID Views on IPA to change the users UIDs on those
machines. Hving the same users in files and ipa with different UIDs is not
going to go down well and messing with PAM is just going to mnake the system
even more brittle.

The proper migration is to remove users from /etc/passwd, and use an ID View to
"correct" any posix data on the target machines, until you can rebuild new ones
with the central names.


On Mon, 2018-04-09 at 16:32 +0000, Charles Hedrick wrote:
> I’m trying to support an odd configuration.
> We have an IPA system, which is used in the normal way for systems run by 
> staff. But we have hundreds of systems run by faculty and grad students. I’d 
> like to encourage them to integrate with our system. However their usernames 
> and UIDs don’t typically match ours. I don’t think there’s much I can do 
> about usernames. But I’d at least like to survive differing UIDs. Kerberos 
> and even NFS V4 don’t care about UIDs.
> So I set up sssd pointing to IPA, with access_provider = deny (meaning only 
> people accepted by pam_unix can login), and nsswitch.conf having “files sss." 
> If a user logins in with the Kerberos password they’re logged in correctly, 
> but they can’t access their own Kerberos credentials.
> Their logged in UID is the one in /etc/passwd, because login correctly obeys 
> nsswitch. But their Kerberos credentials are for the UID in IPA.
> I can change id_provider to proxy/files. But then the sss nsswitch map 
> doesn’t work. I need to get groups from IPA in order to interpret groups on 
> our Netapp. I’d like to get users from IPA when there isn’t an entry in 
> /etc/passwd, so that ls -l on the Netapp can interpret user names.
> So what I’d like is that when sssd creates Kerberos credentials, it uses the 
> same user that login is going to use, i.e. that it obeys nsswitch. Is this a 
> reasonable expectation?
> Going further, I’d like a way to do username mapping that will work with both 
> sssd and Kerberos. One approach would be to pay attention to the username map 
> in /etc/krb5.conf or idmapd.conf, since I’d have to put the mapping in both 
> (I think).
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Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc
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