On Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 03:32:43PM +0200, mbalembo wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having trouble adding etoken support to SSSD/openldap on a gentoo.
> I have setup nssdb in /etc/pki/nssdb and add Safenet library to access
> etoken.
> I can successfully get the certificate in token with :
>    # /usr/libexec/sssd/p11_child --pre --nssdb=/etc/pki/CA/


which version of SSSD are you using? I guess you've meant
'--nssdb=/etc/pki/nssdb' in the example above?

> now, to sssd itself ;
> I'm trying an ssh login, and the output on term is :
>    # ssh b...@example.com
>    Please enter smart card
>    Please enter smart card
>    Please enter smart card
>    b...@example.com: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

With ssh everything is different, please check e.g.
about how to use Smartcards with ssh. Typically the Smartcard reader is
not attached to the host you want to authenticate to and as a result
SSSD cannot handle the Smartcard authentication in this case.

> I can see in p11_child.log that, it use nssdb to (successfully !) connect to
> the smartcard.
> I can see the correct label, the correct subject.
> The keyId is found (I don't understand why i need it and I'm not sure if the
> value i picked is right ?)
> Anyway, I get my uri, everything seem fine on this side.
> Looking at sss_LDAP.log, i can see the request, everything look cool, i got
> :
>    sssd.dataprovider.pamHandler: Success
> On the other side, in sss_pam.log i can see the same request but it end with
> :
>    [pam_dp_send_req_done] (0x0200): received: [28 (Module inconnu)][LDAP]
>    (..)
>      [pam_eval_prompting_config] (0x4000): No prompting configuration
>    found.
>    (Thu Apr  2 15:23:08 2020) [sssd[pam]] [pam_reply] (0x0200): blen: 21
>    (Thu Apr  2 15:23:08 2020) [sssd[pam]] [pam_reply] (0x0200):
>    Returning [28]: Module inconnu to the client
>    (Thu Apr  2 15:23:08 2020) [sssd[pam]] [client_recv] (0x0200):
>    Client disconnected!
> I'm confused at how to understand this.
> The sssd.conf is attached.
> Thanks,
> Marc

> [sssd]
> config_file_version = 2
> reconnection_retries = 3
> services = nss, pam
> # SSSD will not start if you do not configure any domains.
> # Add new domain configurations as [domain/<NAME>] sections, and
> # then add the list of domains (in the order you want them to be
> # queried) to the "domains" attribute below and uncomment it.
> domains = LDAP 
> certificate_verification = no_oscp
> #certificate_verification = no_verification
> debug_level = 6
> [nss]
> #filter_users = root,admin,ldap,named,avahi,haldaemon,dbus,radiusd,news,nscd
> [pam]
> pam_cert_auth = True
> pam_p11_allowed_services = +sddm, +sddm-helper, +kde, +sshd

Please do not 'sshd' here as mentioned above this would not work. For
the first steps I would recommend to try to log in on a text console or
try after logging in to the host where the Smartcard reader is connected
to run 'su' or 'sudo'. I have not tested sddm or kdm, so I'm not sure if
they should work out of the box.

Feel free to send the SSSD logs if Smartcard authentication with
/bin/login, su or sudo still does not work.



> p11_wait_for_card_timeout = 10
> p11_child_timeout = 10
> #debug_level = 6
> [domain/files]
> id_provider = files
> # Example LDAP domain
> [domain/LDAP]
> id_provider = ldap
> auth_provider = ldap
> # ldap_schema can be set to "rfc2307", which stores group member names in the
> # "memberuid" attribute, or to "rfc2307bis", which stores group member DNs in
> # the "member" attribute. If you do not know this value, ask your LDAP
> # administrator.
> ldap_schema = rfc2307
> ldap_uri = ldap://example.com
> ldap_search_base = dc=example,dc=com
> #ldap_tls_reqcert = never
> filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))" 
> ldap_user_certificate = userCertificate;binary
> # Note that enabling enumeration will have a moderate performance impact.
> # Consequently, the default value for enumeration is FALSE.
> # Refer to the sssd.conf man page for full details.
> enumerate = true
> # Allow offline logins by locally storing password hashes (default: false).
> cache_credentials = true
> [certmap/LDAP/bar]
> #matchrule = <ISSUER>^C = FR, ST = France, O = Example, CN = Example 
> Intermediate CA$
> matchrule = <SUBJECT>^CN=bar,O=Example,ST=France,C=FR$ 
> maprule = (userCertificate;binary={cert!bin})

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