> What platform is this? Is it still
> ```
> The container is executed in OpenShift cluster which does not allow
> running as root inside container.
> ```
> as in your original email in this thread?
> JFTR: Openshift should eventually get
> https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-node/127-user-namespaces/README.md
> (i.e. 'user namespaces' support) so that pod fully restricted in the host
> namespace can be run fully unrestricted in the container user-ns (including
> running with uid=0 in container namespace while uid!=0 in host namespace).
> Having said that, and taking into account 'user-ns' support isn't
> available yet, you might want to try builds from
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/sssd/nightly/ : currently
> Fedora rawhide, Centos-stream 9 and Rhel 9 packages there are built
> '--with-sssd-user=sssd' and main SSSD process can be run directly under
> 'sssd' user.
> Since you don't need Kerberos / handle keytabs and user TGTs, it should
> work out of the box.
> Your feedback and observations are welcome.
Hi Alexey,

I tried and it did work.  Do you have a plan for a release schedule for the

Yes, it is still OpenShift. We are aware of user namespaces eventually
coming too, but regardless it's cool to see non-root support in SSSD. Thank
you for your work.

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