On August 12, 2015 5:31:25 PM GMT+02:00, Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> 
>On 12 Aug 2015, at 16:14, Ralph Meijer <ral...@ik.nu> wrote:
>> On August 12, 2015 4:50:18 PM GMT+02:00, Kevin Smith
><kevin.sm...@isode.com> wrote:
>>> On 12 Aug 2015, at 15:44, Ralph Meijer <ral...@ik.nu> wrote:
>>>> On August 12, 2015 3:07:44 PM GMT+02:00, Kevin Smith
>>> <kevin.sm...@isode.com> wrote:
> [..]
>> We've seen a lot of hinting at improvements, and I do remember your
>own suggestions, but I wonder if we couldn't do that in a new spec
>instead. When have we waited long enough to decide this is the best we
>can do for now?
>Well, that was the proposal I made earlier this year, and there was
>wide agreement that a new spec was the wrong approach, and waiting for
>Carbons was right. I’ve even convinced myself at this point that
>waiting for Carbons is probably right.

I don't recall if I was against a competing spec back at the summit, but 
generally believe competing Experimental XEPs are a good thing. Even if yours 
isn't adopted, at least we have an easier-to-find record of it. Digging through 
a heap of mails and chat logs is a lot easier with a XEP number.

>Dave - do you have an ETA on the pubsub/Account stuff? I think that
>might help matters significantly.

Agreed, although I still believe that stuff is much further in the future as a 
thing to build on.


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