The XEP lists "Entity Capabilities (XEP-0115)" as a requirement for
"Advanced Server", although with this footnote: "Necessary to support
Personal Eventing Protocol (PEP)."

If there is no reason to include caps as a _server_ requirement, other than
as a dependency for another requirement, it should not be mentioned at all.
There is the implementation note warning that each requirement can have its
own dependencies, after all.

Sam mentioned in :

> I went back and looked at this, and I think the footnote was a holdover
> from an earlier version of the compatibility suites hand is specifically
> on the server requirement for caps because otherwise it's not immediately
> obvious from looking at the spec that the caps dependency is for the server
> as well as the client.

I feel that the XEP is improved by splitting up the server and client
requirements into two different tables, instead of listing them in the same
table. That way, the client requirements can list caps as a requirement,
without there being a need to define that caps is a server


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