On 28 September 2016 at 17:38, Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> wrote:
> Sadly not, 6121 says
>  " It is up to the originating entity whether the value of the 'id'
>    attribute is unique only within its current stream or unique
>    globally.”

Equally, absolutely nothing stops a client issuing globally-unique (or
at least, bare-jid-unique) stanza identifiers on all stanzas.

I'd be up for saying something along the lines of:

"Where the previous message is from a different full jid, the receiver
MAY choose to treat it as a new message, and MUST do so if the bare
jid is not known to be a normal user account. Clients wishing to
correct messages from other client instances of the same user (and
thus using different full jids) MUST use globally unique stanza
identifiers, and SHOULD ensure the message they are correcting is from
a client which advertises this feature."

Then somewhere define a feature for globally unique stanza ids -
possibly in a new XEP.

(And please, folks, unless you can think of something I can't, a
randomish string prefix and a counter is fine).

This would remain compatible with the (draft) spec.

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