Hi Timothée,

Thanks for taking the time to organize this! I'd certainly be interested in

As for XSF support: what exactly do you need? This year, the XSF created
the SCAM (somethingsometing, Conferences And Meetups) workgroup (of which I
may or may not be a part). I am not aware of any activity of that workgroup
other than its inception. This event might be a good first event to get
SCAM-things going though.



On 30 July 2017 at 22:50, Timothée Jaussoin <edhe...@movim.eu> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm currently in contact with an organizer of the T-DOSE event. For those
> that don't know T-DOSE.
>     T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote
> use and development of Open Source Software. During this event
>     Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and
> knowledge. This years event will be held at the Fontys
>     University of Applied Science in Eindhoven on November 18 and 19.
> More info here http://www.t-dose.org/.
> I think that it could be a nice opportunity to meet-up there and maybe
> have conferences to promote the XMPP protocol :)
> The organizers told me that they have classrooms available where we could
> talk and that they are open for conferences proposal
> (deadline September 30).
> For those that are interested to take part of it and help with the
> organization do not hesitate to answer that mail.
> I don't have a clear idea how we organize our participation into such
> event in the XSF, should I create a Wiki page? Is it possible to
> put it in the agenda for the next meeting?
> On my side I can help with the communication with the T-DOSE team, I'm
> also interested to propose a conference (around Movim/social-
> networking on XMPP…) and participate in discussion if we meet-up to talk
> about the current XEP in progress.
> Kind regards,
> Timothée Jaussoin
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