On 16.10.2017 20:38, Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor) wrote:
> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: Body Markup Hints
> Abstract:
> This document specifies hints about the markup language used in
> elements.
> URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/bmh.html

A few words about the motivation behind my Body Markup Hints (BMH) ProtoXEP:

BMH does not try to be the successor of XHTML-IM. It is not even meant
as intermediate solution.

The aim of BMH, although it has a discovery mechanism, is not to let the
sender know that the recipient understands a certain markup language,
but to hint the recipient that the textual content of the IM message was
formatted with a certain markup language.

So the case for BMH are things like
- Bots sending potential large status information, where there's a
desire to bring some structure into that information by using a markup
- Bridges sending textual content which is already formatted using a
certain markup language to an XMPP client (guess who is currently
writing on a discourse to XMPP bridge *cough* *cough*)

BMHs allow the recipient to throw the received text into a markup
converter to present it in a richer way.

It was pointed out that this could also be achieved with XHTML-IM, which
is, of course, true. But not every client implements XHTML-IM. And there
are the security implications of XHTML-IM. And even if you send markup
to XHTML-IM converted content via a message, you should add a plain
<body/> element. And then adding a BMH, if appropriate, seems only sensible.

Happy to hear your thoughts.

- Florian

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