On 09.05.2018 15:53, Steve Kille wrote:
> Florian made some broader comments.
> I do not agree with the assertion that MIX is bloated.   It provides a
> similar function to MUC and is of comparable size to the MUC and PubSub
> specs.
MUC and PubSub often are used as excuse to write another big bloated
XEP. Peter Waher also referred to them when he was faced with the same
criticism. MUC and PubSub really can not be used as precedent for good
specifications, they are prime examples of what is wrong with the one
big monolithic specification approach. (PubSub in particular).

If we want people to implement our stuff, then we need to craft slim,
easy to digest (base) specifications. Implementers should be able to
easily determine which parts of the spec are required to get an early
interoperable implementation going. This also reduces the time and
effort needed for the first "I've made it" experience.

- Florian

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