On 14 May 2018, at 11:28, JC Brand <li...@opkode.com> wrote:
> Hi folks
> I'm interested in finding a way to keep track of ongoing conversations and
> whether any new messages were added to them since the user was last online.
> I think this is the so-called "Inbox" feature that was brought up at the 2018
> summit.
> At the summit the suggested approach was a private PEP node with a list of
> JIDs.
> Besides that, in order to know whether new messages were added to these
> conversations (while the user was offline), we'll also need to store the
> date of the last seen message.
> I imagine, if done right, that this functionality might in many cases remove
> the need for bookmarks as currently used.
> Is anyone already working on something like this? I'm not aware of a relevant
> protoXEP being created already.
> If not, I'm willing to create it.

I think this is around the same topic as Bind 2’s unread sync isn’t it? Part of 
the same thing, anywho.

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