On 13 June 2018 at 21:59, Tedd Sterr <teddst...@outlook.com> wrote:

> http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2018-06-13/#15:03:33
> Dave apologises for not preparing an agenda; apparently, having a day job
> is distracting.
> *1) Roll Call*
> Present: Kev, Daniel, Sam, Dave
> Away on a top-secret mission: Georg

*1½) Isn't it Nice when Tedd Sterr does the minutes?*

> *2) Agenda Bash*
> Dave is unaware of anything that needs a vote, and asks whether anyone
> knows of anything; all minds are blank.
> *e) Outstanding and Mediocre Votes*
> Dave checks that Sam did veto 'the MUC thing' (PR #653) - he did; Georg
> has two votes outstanding.
> *3) Next Meeting*
> 2018-06-20 1500 UTC, hopefully with Dave preparing an agenda and picnic.
> *π) AOB*
> Daniel mentions that the LC for HTTP Upload was issued last week, but
> hasn't yet received any feedback; he assumes this is because the feedback
> from the previous LC has already been addressed. Daniel also checks that
> Council will be okay voting despite the (latest) lack of feedback, and if
> he should bump the thread in an attempt to encourage new feedback.
> Kev suggests that Council can vote next week after looking at the feedback
> from both LCs.
> Dave comments that no feedback is also a form of feedback.
> Daniel was worried because past votes have been postponed due to a lack of
> feedback; Dave doesn't think it's a necessity, but sometimes the silence is
> a cause for concern. Kev seconds that a lack of feedback suggests something
> shouldn't be advanced, but if it's likely that feedback just needs to be
> encouraged then the vote can be delayed; and there was already a lot of
> feedback from the last LC.
> Sam and Kev agree that it's worth poking to see if there is further
> feedback.
> *4) Close*
> Dave apologises for the somewhat useless meeting.
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