As Dave will be train-hopping, he asks Kev to chair this meeting - who 
graciously accepts.

1) Roll Call
Present: Kev, Daniel, Georg, Sam, Dave

2) Agenda Bashing
[Nobody can find an agenda to bash.]

3) Date of Next
Neither Kev, Daniel, nor Sam are able to make next week; the next meeting is 
postponed until the following week: 2018-08-01 1500 UTC

4) AOB
Georg asks whether there is progress on the Spreadsheet of Doom; Dave takes the 
blame and says he will try to sort it out while on one of his many luxurious 
train journeys. Sam mentions his outstanding vote which he plans to do on-list.

Kev queries Daniel about list feedback for HTTP Upload; Daniel verifies that 
Kev is referring to the request for servers to provide information on upload 
expiration. Daniel prefers not to have that feature in the XEP, unless it would 
otherwise hinder advancement; and notes that no other XEPs that store data 
compel servers to communicate their data policy. Dave would like to see the 
reasons for not doing it on-list. Kev doesn't think it must be included, but 
there should still be a response on-list.
Georg mentions requests for HTTP Server Best Practices to be added to Security 
Kev suggests that Daniel could wrap up the list discussions to allow the XEP to 
be advanced next meeting.

5) Close
Sam reappears just in time for the most important part of the meeting.
Kev thanks all and langs the baveg.
Dave thanks Kev.

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