
I noticed something minor when working on PubSub which initially caused some 
confusion. Section 6.1.6 of XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe says:
> therefore the SubID MUST be unique for each node+JID combination and the
> SubID MUST be present on the entity element any time it is sent to the
> subscriber

I believe "entity element" should be "subscription element" here. A search on 
"entity element" gives a few more hits, It appears they should all be replaced 
as well since "<entity/>" appears to not exist anymore currently.

Looks like they are leftovers from an old version of the XEP, since 1.8's 
changelog has the following item:
> Changed <entity/> element to <subscription/> element in response to
> subscription request

I am not yet familiar with sending patches for XEPs. Could someone either make 
the change or give me some directions? Thanks.


Melvin Vermeeren

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