On 6 Aug 2018, at 16:25, Tedd Sterr <teddst...@outlook.com> wrote:
> http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2018-08-01/#14:59:59
> 1) Roll Call
> Present: Sam, Dave, Kev, Georg
> Pursuing business interests in the Middle Kingdom: Daniel
> 2) Agenda Bashing
> No agenda changes; Georg liked it, but didn't put a ring on it.
> 3a) PR #681 - XEP-0050: Remove the status attribute from the request - 
> https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/681
> Dave thinks this seems like a pretty straightforward case of fixing the 
> optional inclusion of an attribute that the receiver is mandated to ignore. 
> Kev thinks it was the result of a typo ('status' instead of 'action'), and 
> fixing the typo might be the better fix.
> Sam wonders why there should be an optional attribute at all; Dave suggests 
> it makes more sense if it's restating a default. Sam thinks it should still 
> be required so it can be relied upon, otherwise it's cumbersome to have to 
> check whether it's the default value or if it exists; Dave clarifies that if 
> it's not the default value then it could be cancelling.
> Dave asks Kev to make a comment noting the typo possibility [reply to 
> minutes?], to spur Dave into investigating in more detail (and maybe there's 
> an example that clarifies.)
> Georg thinks Kev is right regarding the typo, but the PR is self-consistent 
> and also removes the typo.
> Dave: +1
> Sam: +1 (seems very sensible)
> Georg: +1
> Kev: [pending]

I’m pending being persuaded that the PR is right, rather than the original 
issue being a typo, BTW. -1 unless someone manages that (or similar).

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