On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 09:05, Evgeny <xramt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:29 AM, Georg Lukas <ge...@op-co.de> wrote:
> > * Tedd Sterr <teddst...@outlook.com> [2019-03-17 21:53]:
> >>  Proposed XMPP Extension: E2E Authentication in XMPP: Certificate
> >> Issuance and Revocation -
> >> https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/eax-cir.html
> >
> > +1
> Thank you very much for the thorough review.
> >
> > - A CA doesn't _need to_ be a server entity. It's well possible for a
> > CA
> >   to be a bot@domain/resource or a component.domain, as long as it's
> >   ensured that the respective server is configured to enforce s2s (and
> >   c2s) TLS and to check server certificates.
> I was thinking about this. The terminology in the XEP becomes more
> complex. How to name this stuff? CA XMPP entity? But this is a cosmetic
> issue of course.
You can just have a note somewhere that says "All examples, and much the
the terminology, assumes that a CA is hosted on a XMPP server entity
addressed by a domain-style Jid; this is not a requirement of the protocol,
and a CA MAY be addressed by any valid Jid, including local@domain or even

> >
> > - I'm not sure what is gained by stripping the PEM BEGIN/END headers.
> >   IMO It's not worth optimizing for two lines at the cost of increased
> >   client and server complexity.
> Without PEM encapsulation boundaries it's just a Base64 encoded DER
> stuff. So you can use Base64 codec for this, not full blown PEM codec
> which should parse and understand the boundaries and which can run into
> compatibility problems (due to historic reasons outlined in RFC7468).
> Also, in other places, such as the signature element, it's just base64
> encoded binary, so we will run into consistency problems, although
> cosmetic, but still.
> I can probably just to reform the phrase and say that it's Base64
> encoded DER ASN.1 stuff. Note also, that understanding full PEM
> encoding is not required by the document (all those places are SHOULD
> or RECOMMENDED or some such).
Yes, I hadn't actually noticed you'd said "PEM without headers". I'd prefer
specifying just base64 DER. While these are the same thing in principle, I
think it clarifies things enormously.

(I actually just glanced at the base64, saw the opening, and recognised
certificates in base64-encoded DER - I've obviously spent too long on this
stuff before).

> >
> > - Signing Request: I'm not very happy with using IQs for the request
> > and
> >   response, because there is an optional message-based manual
> > challenge
> >   step in between, essentially meaning that the IQ request must be
> > sent
> >   with an infinite timeout. OTOH, replacing this flow with something
> >   like data forms / ad-hoc commands might make things even more
> > complex.
> Timeouts during a challenge procedure is indeed a problem. However, I
> don't see how this can be overcome by using data forms or other
> stanzas. I think a client should render "Cancel" button when it has run
> an URL handler and wait indefinitely. And yes, the complexity.
I did wonder, actually, about seperating the CSR submission from the

The spec as written more or less assumes a short, online interaction - if
you assume lots of manual intervention and an offline CA, I think this
becomes rapidly impractical.

What about an IQ which creates the signing request with a CSR, and returns
an id which can be queried about status? The query could trigger resending
any pending challenges, too, as well as delivering the certificate.

> >
> > - Is there a specific reason for mandating the @by in the error
> >   response, in addition to the IQ @from?
> Probably it's not, I can remove it. It has left from the previous
> version of the document.
I'd drop it to a SHOULD rather than removing it. It's always useful to know
whose error it is.

> >
> > - §8.1: it should be explicitly stated that this part replaces the
> >   XEP-0077 IBR workflow and not extends it. Also that by using this
> >   mechanism, the account does not have a password and that the only
> > way
> >   to register another device is to copy over the private key.
> In recent version of the document [1] (which is only a local copy that
> I'm going to submit later) I address this problem and X.509 IBR can be
> used to recover access to the account without copying keys.
> And yes, I can add the statement.
> >
> > - §9: 'id' attribute of the <item/> element MUST contain first 16
> > octets
> >   from a signatureValue" - if this is required for interop, it should
> > be
> >   "MUST equal to", otherwise it might as well allow shorter @ids, eg.
> >   urls-safe-base64.
> Okay, whatever. I don't oppose, I'll change it. Although I personally
> don't see the difference, probably it's lost in translation.
> [1] http://upload.zinid.ru/xep-eax-cir.html#acc-recovery
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