Hi Pawel,

sorry for taking so long to respond, this email didn't come up on my radar.

On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 01:48:52PM +0200, Pawel Chrzaszcz wrote:

---- 8-< ----

>    According to the XEP: "If a client or service implements message
>    retraction, it MUST specify the 'urn:xmpp:message-retract:0' feature in
>    its service discovery information features".
>    When should the server include this feature in its discovery information?
>    If a client sends a discovery request to the address of the main XMPP
>    service, should the server response contain this feature if the server
>    archives retraction messages in MAM (XEP-0313)? This should be enough to
>    satisfy the only mandatory server-side requirement of the XEP.

Yes, I agree and will update the text to make this more explicit.

>    Another option would be to advertise this feature only if messages are
>    really removed or replaced with tombstones whenever a retract message is
>    received. However, support for actual removal of messages is not mandatory
>    in the XEP.

Yes, so for tombstones we can be more specific and let the XMPP server advertise
"urn:xmpp:message-retract:0#tombstones" if it supports turning retracted
messages into tombstones.

I'll update the XEP accordingly.

>    MongooseIM would replace the messages with tombstones if such
>    a feature is enabled by the user.
>    I think that whatever rule is chosen, the same should apply for a MUC
>    service if message archive/retraction is enabled for it.

Yes, agreed.


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