1) Roll Call
Present: Daniel, Zash, Dave, Georg, Jonas

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update
* Proposed XMPP Extensions:
  - Implicit WebSocket Endpoints

4a) Proposed XMPP Extension: Implicit WebSocket Endpoints -
Daniel isn't the biggest fan - Georg thinks Daniel brought up a good point [1] 
and his own HAProxy deployment seems to agree. Daniel might be less opposed to 
an Informational XEP titled "Recommendation for default port and path for 
websocket connections", which would address Sonny's point [2] - Dave asks 
whether that would mean every XMPP server would need to change its defaults - 
Daniel admits it would, though the current XEP makes an even stronger 
requirement, hence including 'recommendation' in the title.
Dave isn't sure listening on non-TLS websockets should be encouraged these days 
- Daniel agrees. Georg thinks the only reason would be for local development 
and CI/CD, but there are possibly more elegant solutions for those. Zash is 
sceptical and thinks no-SRV fallback seems like a mistake in hindsight, so 
maybe it shouldn't be repeated - Jonas agrees and thinks it causes annoying 
Zash asks whether it at least qualifies for Experimental - Daniel thinks so, as 
he expressed on-list - Zash agrees. Daniel thinks the Informational XEP might 
be a compromise, as Sonny does have a point.
Dave might veto, but will post an explanation to the list [3] - in summary: 
non-TLS websockets seem bad; 'suck it and see' doesn't seem like an approach to 
be encouraged; and it's highly restrictive having the websocket default to the 
same domain with a different port.
Georg finds that ~6% of client connections to use the non-SRV fallback - 
Daniel confirms he found ~10% the last time he checked for his server. Jonas 
mentions Pidgin has regularly fallen back to A/AAAA records because SRV lookup 
was failing due to the resolver not being ready - doesn't think that accounts 
for all of those connections, but such issues are a factor; could be addressed 
by abolishing that endpoint and mandating SRV (i.e. retry SRV instead of 
fallback). Georg says that old SOHO router resolvers lack SRV support. Daniel 
agrees that resolving SRV over crap wifi is an issue, but that's not the case 
for XEP-0156 (Discovering Alternative XMPP Connection Methods) over HTTP.
Dave would be amenable to a default path and default port for WSS, as Daniel 
proposes, which should satisfy much of the local development use case.

Jonas: [on-list] (haven't read it yet)
Zash: [on-list]
Georg: [on-list]
Daniel: [on-list] (+0 at best)
Dave: [on-list] (likely to veto)

4b) PR #1032 (Data Forms Clarifications) -
Jonas sees this as a massive normative change, rather than the clarification it 
claims to be; it introduces a precedent of requiring relative ordering of 
unrelated elements. Dave doesn't think that's actually a new precedent - the 
existing text says the 'reported' element describes the data to follow; also 
recently noticed that SleekXMPP/SliXMPP already assumes an order. Jonas isn't 
sure that imposes a strict ordering requirement, and knows of at least one 
implementation which doesn't guarantee the order and would become non-compliant 
with such a change.
The author, Flow, says that form-field type-aware parsing of data forms becomes 
more complex if the order isn't specified, and it appears to be the norm to 
have 'reported' first because people copy directly from the examples. Daniel 
thought the lack of element ordering was the reason schemas are non-normative - 
Flow says that's why it's specified in the normative text and not the schema.
Jonas still isn't convinced this is a clarification - Flow suggests that any 
change which clarifies a normative requirement that wasn't previously 
explicitly spelled out could be considered a normative change; sees it as a 
trade-off. Flow would tolerate implementations changing the order of 
first-level stanza extensions, but not the order of arbitrary elements while en 
Georg seeks agreement that the updated first commit is indeed a clarification - 
Jonas and Zash agree.
Dave is happy to discuss this further on the list - Jonas will reluctantly 
start a thread.

Jonas: -1
Daniel: [on-list] (too distracted by the bike shed and forgot to read this)
Georg: [on-list]
Dave: [on-list]
Zash: [on-list]

5) Pending Votes
Dave votes on Service Outage Status: +1 (pretty sure the general concept is 

6) Date of Next
2021-02-10 1600 UTC

7) AOB

8) Close
Thanks everyone!


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