
Le 2021-08-26 18:45, Matthew Wild a écrit :

In practice
a XEP only reaches "Draft" stage when it has a bunch of implementation
experience, and Council believes it looks ready for broad adoption.

I don't think (and checking XEP-0001 tends to confirm) that any implementation is needed to reach the draft state, I've already been surprised to see some XEP reaching this state with nearly no implementation in the wild.

But this detail put aside, it's probably a good move, I've seen a couple of time people doing criticism on XMPP because "many XEPs are in Draft state", and indeed when you're not aware of the workflow, it seems like nearly nothing is usable (that's still true with many XEPs used widely which are in Experimental or Deferred state, but that's an other story).

Thanks for taking care of this.

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