On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 19:02, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 18:34, Matthew Wild <mwi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 19 Nov 2022 at 15:14, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > I commented about this on the PR, but that seems to have been dismissed, 
>> > so again, for the list:
>> >
>> > * I'm not convinced this is required to be a mandatory feature of SASL2, 
>> > despite its obvious utility, but I'm not going to argue very strongly that 
>> > it shouldn't be.
>> > * I *am* convinced that an id attribute has to be mandatory (and SHOULD be 
>> > a UUIDv4).
>> > * I am also convinced that the human-readable software information 
>> > shouldn't be mandatory.
>> I agree that neither of these should be mandatory, and that's why they
>> aren't. If there are reasons for clients not to include them, they
>> don't have to. Not including them may have consequences - e.g. the
>> FAST spec depends on the client id being present so wouldn't be
>> usable, and if the software info isn't included then the user will be
>> less informed about what is connecting to their account. For such
>> reasons, it is recommended that they are included. But mandatory, no.
> <p>Clients SHOULD also include a &lt;user-agent/> element, informing the 
> server about the connecting client. The 'id'
> attribute is RECOMMENDED, and if present it contains a unique stable 
> identifier for the client installation. This allows
> the server to provide functionality such as deriving stable resource 
> identifiers (see &xep0386;). The child elements &lt;software/> and 
> &lt;device/> contain text descriptions of the client software and the device 
> it is installed on. These allow the server to keep the user informed
> about what devices are connected to their account. Servers MUST NOT expose 
> this information to other entities (such functionality is available in 
> &xep0092; if required).</p>
> So...
> The <user-agent/> isn't mandatory, no, and I stand corrected on my first 
> point. I'm not convinced this should be a part of SASL2, as such - but to be 
> clear, I'm not convinced it shouldn't be either.
> But if included, then the id isn't mandatory, which was my second point - I 
> think the id needs to be a MUST for this to have value, whether or not the 
> software info is supplied.
> The child elements aren't explicitly mandatory or optional in this paragraph, 
> but are included in every example. I'd assumed they were mandatory based on 
> this and the phrasing "The child elements ... contain" - no "if present" as 
> with the id attribute. Certainly it's very unclear if they're recommended, 
> optional, or mandatory. Is there some other text I'm missing? It's not in the 
> schema, as far as I can find, either.

That makes sense, thanks. I'll provide updated wording which clarifies
things. Taking each piece of information separately, the intent was
that each of them SHOULD be included by the client. However any or all
could be omitted with reason.

I don't know how I feel about making the inclusion of 'id' a MUST. If
a client can't or won't provide a stable identifier for whatever
reason, I'd sooner have such a client omit it entirely than, for
example, provide a changing id on every connection.

I'm in favour of saying that the identifier SHOULD/MUST be a UUIDv4.
That would alleviate some concerns I had about clients putting
inappropriate identifiers there, such as those that can be used to
identify the user/device in other contexts.

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