On 2023/01/18, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 1/18/23 9:26 AM, Thilo Molitor wrote:
> > In Appendix F: Requirements Conformance all our XEPs refer to RFC 2119 
> > defining
> > "MUST", "SHALL" etc.
> > But since RFC 2119 does not specify which case should be used for these
> > keywords, a XEP using "shall" or even "sHaLl" uses normative keywords, no?
> My personal practice in writing RFCs has been to studiously avoid lowercase
> conformance terms. It's quite easy and natural in English to use other
> words: might instead of MAY, ought instead of SHOULD, etc. But it seems that
> most authors are too lazy to do this, which is why we ended up with RFC
> 8174.

I'd like to nuance this here.

Not everybody has english as their native language and many contribute
to standardization nonetheless. Maybe standardization should be made
more accessible, and I think 8174 is an ok step towards this, rather
than having to be careful about subtle nuances of the language.

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