Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On August 25, 2005 3:36:13 PM -0600 Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A better link is:


(Or is there new changes in trunk you don't want folks to see yet?)

Not yet, although there will likely be some soon (when the test suite
is committed). I chose to use the other link to make it clear that even
though the tarball is a snapshot of the depot as of 7/19 the included
README is more recent.

It builds the static library on Solaris 11.  +1.

Thanks for taking the time to do the build and the vote!

I got bit by the fact that I didn't define BUILDDIR= in the top-level Makefile - if JIRA were up, I'd file an issue to fix that. Ideally, we could emit an error message if BUILDDIR= isn't defined instead of erroring out in a mix of confusing symlink errors. Yes, README described the right procedure; but I dislike docs. ;-)

This is a known issue (a regression, in fact -- we had a check and
a message like that in place but it got accidentally removed) that
needs to be fixed. I'll remember to file bug as soon as the database
is available.

I also don't think we have the test library yet? So I can't do much more with it other than confirm that it builds.

True. There is a comprehensive set of examples that can be used
to informally verify(*) the correctness of the behavior of much
of the library until the test suite has been contributed. It
should start trickling in in a matter of days.

* By typing gmake run in the $BUILDDIR/examples directory.


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