Liviu Nicoara wrote:

This one is not working with any targets when invoked anew from TOPDIR:

#   $ make [ BUILDTYPE=<build-type> ] \
#          [ BUILDDIR=<build-dir> ] \
#          [ CONFIG=<config-file> ] \
#          [ PHDIR=<plumhall-testsuite-source-dir> ]
#          [ <targets> ]

I'm not sure I understand what exactly is not working. Can you show
the actual command and the output?

AFAICT the comments describing the targets seem to have typos:

# From $TOPDIR or $BUILDDIR to configure if necessary and build the lib,
# tests, plumhall testsuite, and examples:

I assume you're referring to the top level makefile:

#   $ make [ lib ] ....


#   Targets:
#   ..............
#   libstd    - builds the library

Yep, I see the typo, thanks for pointing it out! The correct name
of the target is lib (it used to be libstd but the name was changed
in A patch
correcting it would be most welcome! :)


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