I'm very satisfied with the overall progress of stdcxx, but see two
obstacles to graduation;

 * the bug tracking system is being well utilized to discuss patches,
   but the dev list is still a bit quiet on the design-decision front.
   It's important that decisions are open and not made in the conference
   room amoung a closed circle of individuals.

   I believe adding tuscany folks to this effort, having a more diverse
   group of committers, will go a long ways to alleviating this quiet :)

 * the diversity remains an issue.  Here again, having multiple groups of
   users who submit patches, become committers will go a long way in solving
   this issue as well.

Although open source is ready when it's ready, I'd really like to look ahead
to the end of September to attempt to graduate stdcxx.  I know the current
PMC understands the ASF concept, meritocracy etc, and is doing a noble job
maintaining the codebase.  Let's all watch these two areas so that we can
retitle this effort as the Apache stdcxx Library [graduated].


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