Previous Work

        Monday - 2007/09/24
        * investigated multithreading issues in stdxxx

        Tuesday - 2007/09/25
        * investigated multithreading issues in stdxxx

        Wednesday - 2007/09/26
        * investigated build failures for Vista/Intel C++ 10

        Thursday - 2007/09/27
        * verified Vista/Intel C++ 10 builds

        Friday - 2007/09/28
        * investigated multithreading issues in stdxxx
        * proposed patches for threading issues found this week

Ongoing Work

        * monitoring stdcxx-dev and user lists
        * monitoring and responding on comp.lang.c++.moderated

Future Work

        * maintain status report information for next week
        * pick up tasks from JIRA or failed builds
        * create c.limits test
        * create test to exercise facet id race condition

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