I'd like to discuss our plans and schedule for the next few releases,
starting with 4.2.1 and 4.3, work on both of which might very well take
place in parallel.

In the post below, I suggested the end of December for the maintenance
4.2.1 release:
I suspect this is overly optimistic, in part because I think we should
first transition out of the incubator before we put out another release,
and also because we still have over 100 bugs scheduled for this update.
What should be included in 4.2.1? Besides issues already scheduled for
4.2.1 I think we should try to finish the Purify project (Travis) and
set up Purify for nightly (or some other periodic type of) testing.
As far as platform support goes, my suggested breakdown (Primary,
Secondary etc.) is here:
With this as background I'm beginning to think that February might be
a more reasonable time frame for 4.2.1. But before we solidify any of
this we first need to finalize the Release and Version Policy. I'd
like to start the vote on the document this week, so if there are
any comments of questions on the latest draft, or any concerns or
comments on this proposed approach, please send them in ASAP.

At the same time, I'd really like us to start making progress on some
of the (formerly TR1) C++ 0x features (STDCXX-27). They are currently
scheduled for 5.0 but I don't see any reason why at least some of them
couldn't be included in 4.3. One of the first things that should be
implemented, IMO, is type_traits, so we can get some experience with
the new implementation and start taking advantage of the little
critters in new code (such as the unordered associative containers,
STDCXX-32). Another big ticket item that we should start working on
is Concepts (STDCXX-672). As long as we maintain compatibility there
should be no reason not to phase in support for Concepts in chunks
rather than waiting until everything is done. Of course, features
that require incompatible changes will need to be deferred until
5.0. It would be good to start thinking about which ones those
might be and which ones can be targeted for 4.3.



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