The Bunker
George Szamuely

Grim Fairytales

The most recent "genocide" hoax from the Balkans is the breathlessly retold horror story of "mass graves" of Kosovo Albanians supposedly littering Serbia. The Serbs allegedly murdered the Albanians in 1999, but rather than have NATO discover the evidence of this crime, Slobodan Milosevic ordered that the bodies be taken out of the province and buried in Serbia.

Let us trace the origin of this amazing story. The first person to make this claim was Natasa Kandic, who heads the Humanitarian Law Center, a Belgrade outfit that has been bankrolled for years by George Soros and the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED). During the 1999 bombing she did her duty and promoted the cause of her paymasters, NATO. On April 30 she announced that some 800 bodies were removed from their original burial sites in Kosovo and reburied elsewhere in the province and in Serbia. She demanded that the new regime in Belgrade reveal the "truth" about this destruction of evidence.

The timing of Kandic’s demand was interesting. One month earlier the Belgrade regime had arrested Milosevic—on corruption, not war crimes, charges. The charges were bogus and the investigation was going nowhere. Kostunica was scheduled to visit Washington in early May. His meetings with Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice were evidently brutal affairs. The Administration was not happy with his foot-dragging. U.S. aid to Yugoslavia, it was made clear to him, was conditional on Milosevic’s swift handover to the Hague Tribunal. Belgrade had to come up with "evidence" of war crimes to sell the policy of "cooperation" to a skeptical public.

Next a story appeared in a local crime magazine, Timocka Krimi Revija, about a Mercedes refrigerator truck from Kosovo, full of bodies, that was hauled out of the Danube in April 1999. After the truck was recovered, the bodies were buried. According to the diver who helped recover the truck, Zivadin Djordjevic, there were between 30 and 50 bodies inside. Many were naked and some of the women were wearing Muslim-style pantaloons. There was a heavy stone leaning on the accelerator pedal. The truck had Kosovo license plates and belonged to an Albanian meat processing firm. According to a wire story, the diver "provided no details of where and how the bodies were disposed." The story tells us nothing. We do not know who the people inside the truck were, or how they died. The only identifying feature was the Muslim-style pantaloons. They may or may not have been Muslims, may or may not have been Albanians. Yet in no time at all, the story was presented as conclusive proof of Serbian war crimes and Milosevic’s cover-up thereof.

On July 31, in the middle of a standard New York Times puff piece on the U.S.-installed Belgrade regime, Carlotta Gall uttered this gem: "What is known is that bodies were dumped in mass graves, either in the Danube or on land. The exhumations of the 800 to 1000 bodies known about so far will take months. Captain Karleusa says he will need much longer to establish who gave the orders for the carnage and who carried it out." Amazing that after all the tales of mass graves and trucks filled with bodies going from Kosovo to Serbia, Karleusa’s estimate of the number of bodies buried is identical to Natasa Kandic’s from three months earlier. They evidently have to keep their stories straight.

The refrigerator truck story is so absurd that it will have an even shorter shelf life than NATO’s other stories. We are asked to believe the following: Yugoslavia was being bombed round-the-clock. Yet the army took the trouble to transport thousands of bodies for burial. Given a truck limit of 50 bodies, disposing of thousands of bodies would need a lot of trucks. U.S. satellites were closely monitoring Yugoslavia, yet NATO never had the slightest inkling of this refrigerator truck convoy. Moreover, dumping bodies into the Danube is not the brightest of ideas. The Danube is a busy waterway. The chances of collision are high. Nor is destroying Mercedes trucks the most prudent course for an impoverished country like Yugoslavia. Then again, why would one want to transport dead bodies just to remove evidence? Wouldn’t dousing them in gasoline, setting fire to them and burying the ashes be a lot easier?

Curiously enough, the Humanitarian Law Center’s website gives a clue as to what really happened. The site carries a story from the newspaper Danas, dated June 1, which reported eyewitness accounts of the recovery of the truck. Yet one of the eyewitnesses actually saw the dumping of the truck. Here is what he says: "I was in a boat on the river, only some thirty meters from the bank, when I heard voices about 2.15 a.m. Sound carries a long way on the Danube at night. I don’t know what language they were speaking there on the bank—I didn’t understand any of the words. It might have been Turkish or Albanian—who knows. But I’m certain it wasn’t Serbian or Romanian, which I know well."

The story must have slipped past the Humanitarian Law Center’s censors. Albanians are Europe’s leaders in the lucrative business of immigrant and prostitute trafficking. This is a story of gangsters and human trafficking, not war crimes. Or rather it is the usual story of government and media collusion in lying.

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