Make bin Laden reward a billion

Reuben Miller
Posted October 9 2001

Twenty-five million dollars, which the United States has offered for
information on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, is peanuts.

It leads one to believe, and could lead potential allies to believe,
that our commitment is not as wholehearted as we profess.

A billion dollars would be more like it. That's billion, with a "b."
Offer half a billion for information leading to the capture, and a
billion dollars plus complete witness protection for delivering bin
Laden into our hands, dead or alive.

You know what? There may well be a group of his inner cadre who would
think splitting up a billion American dollars would be a far better deal
than the promise of 72 virgins in heaven.

A billion dollars would be a tremendous bargain, considering what this
effort is going to cost not just in money, but more importantly in lives
and collateral damage.

Copyright C 2001, South Florida Sun-Sentinel


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