Title: FW: Glas

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From: Branka Josilo-Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Glas
Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2001, 6:58 pm

I hope the translation will make sense. Best Branka


At last, on account of the so called cooperation with the Hague Tribunal even Zoran Djindjic has said something which is partly true: he stated that the financial situation of our country will not improve at all if we agree to cooperate with this tribunal. That means that there will be no large amounts of money coming into the country, a fact which we, even without Djindjic's prophecy, have been maintaining.

Besides this point which is correct, Djindjic added another statement whose validity is, to say the least arguable: he said that the financial situation of our country will markedly deteriorate if we do not "cooperate" with the Hague Tribunal. Without wanting to be harbingers of doom, our theory is that cooperation without question with the tribunal, especially the extradition of Slobodan Milosevic, will put the blame on our country for which future generations will be paying in perpetuity.

During a recent lecture by Robert Miller, a distinguished Australian professor and great conossieur of our situation, Zagorka Golubovic asked why the Americans were so insistent on Slobodan Milosevic's extradition? Prof. Miller immediately replied: a country which is ready to hand over it's head of state admits it's guilt. In other words, instead of clearing the country of collective guilt, as explained to us by various men of the world and other world humanists, the trial of Milosevic at the Hague will confirm our collective guilt and burden us with enourmous amounts of war reparation. If NATO, because of alleged "war crimes" committed by Milosevic, was prepared to, not only, bomb us into poverty, but to kill, why would it not by the same token put the burden of blame and all the costs of its war on us?

There are many indications of how disastrous the handing over of Milosevic would be. It is not coincidental that the US is pushing for proof of Milosevic's responsability for the war not only in Kosovo, but in Croatia and Bosnia. This would not be individual guilt. He would be tried as a head of state which would mean that a guilty verdict would make the country, of which he was head of state, responsible for everything of which he would be accused. Therefore it is not at all accidental that George Robertson, general secretary of NATO, clearly stated that ethnic cleansing, conducted by Milosevic, was conducted by the state of which he was head. After Milosevic's incautious and stupid, and also incorrect statement that "state funds were not stolen, but used to finance the Serbs fighting in Croatian and Bosnia", croat and muslim  official have been rubbing their hands in glee. Now they have proof that they were "victims of agression" of the FRY, so that as victims they are entitled to war reparation which they calculate at several tens of millions of dollars.

At the same time the eventual sentence of Milosevic at the Hague, as head of state, would wipe out all our accusations against the NATO pact, while justifying all the means used against us, blackmail, draconian sanctions and criminal bombing. On top of everything, the Americans are trying to achieve, as they did in Vietnam and Nicaragua, by blackmail not only to clear themselves of debts towards the countries which they have made wretched, but also to burden the same with the cost of their "peace keeping" operations in Bosnia and Kosmet, which by the year 2000 had come to more than 21 billion dollars.

This is that careless style of politics, being practiced towards our country, on the basis of Milosevic being handed over to the Hague, which makes the culprits into victims and victims into culprits.

Zrtve i vinovnici

Konacno je povodom tzv. saradnje s Haskim sudom i Zoran ?in?ic rekao nesto sto je bar delimicno tacno: izjavio je da se materijalni polozaj nase zemlje nece nimalo poboljsati ako prihvatimo saradnju s ovim sudom. A to znaci da nikakve vece pare nece stici u nasu zemlju, sto mi, inace, i bez ?in?iceve vidovitosti odavno tvrdimo.

Pored ove tacne, ?in?ic je dodao i jednu izjavu cija je verodostojnost u najmanju ruku sporna: rekao je da ce se materijalni polozaj nase zemlje bitno pogorsati ako ne budemo "sara?ivali" s Haskim sudom. Bez namere da budemo proroci zla, nasa teza je da ce bespogovorna saradnja s ovim sudom, a narocito izrucivanje Slobodna Milosevica, dovesti do prevaljivanja na nasu zemlju odgovornosti za ratnu stetu, koju ce isplacivati i nasi potomci.

Prilikom nedavnog predavanja Roberta Milera, uglednog australijskog profesora i izvrsnog znalca nasih prilika, Zagorka Golubovic mu je postavila sledece pitanje: zasto Amerikanci toliko uporno zahtevaju da se Slobodan Milosevic izruci Hagu? Profesor Miler je spremno odgovorio: drzava koja pristaje da izruci svog bivseg sefa time priznaje da je kriva. Drugim recima, umesto da se su?enjem Slobodanu Milosevicu u Hagu skine kolektivna krivica s naseg naroda i drzave, kako to objasnjavaju tzv. mondijalisti i drugi belosvetski humanisti, takvo su?enje bi samo utvrdilo nasu kolektivnu krivicu i na sve nas prevalilo odgovornost za isplatu ogromne ratne stete. Jer, ako je Atlantski pakt, zbog navodnih zlocina Slobodana Milosevica, bio spreman da sve nas, ni krive ni duzne, zlocinackim bombardovanjem strasno ojadi, pa i ubija, zasto ne bi, po istom receptu, na sve nas prevalio i svoje velike troskove ratovanja?

Na mogucne pogubne posledice eventualnog izrucivanja Slobodana Milosevica ukazuju mnoge okolnosti. Nimalo slucajno, SAD neprestano traze da se Miloseviceva odgovornost za rat ne samo na Kosmetu, nego i u Hrvatskoj i Bosni, utvr?uje ne kao individualna krivica, nego kao odgovornost sefa drzave, da bi se potom i drzava, na cijem je celu on bio, ucinila pravno odgovornom za sve ono za sto ce on biti okrivljen i osu?en. Nije stoga nimalo slucajno sto je Dzordz Robertson, generalni sekretar NATO, nedvosmisleno izjavio da je etnicko ciscenje, koje je sprovodio Milosevic, izvodila sama drzava kojom je on upravljao. A posle Miloseviceve nesmotrene i glupe, a i netacne izjave da "drzavne pare nisu pokradene, vec utrosene za finansiranje borbe Srba u Hrvatskoj i BiH", hrvatski i muslimanski zvanicnici zadovoljno trljaju ruke. Jer, sada mogu uverljivije tvrditi da su bili "zrtve agresije" SRJ, te da kao "zrtve" imaju pravo na naknadu ogromne ratne stete koju oni procenjuju na nekoliko desetina milijardi dolara.

Uz to bi eventualna haska osuda Milosevica kao sefa drzave ucinila bespredmetnim sve nase optuzbe protiv Atlantskog pakta, a opravdala sve dosadasnje mere koje su protiv nas preduzete - ucene, surove sankcije i zlocinacko bombardovanje. Povrh svega, Amerikanci nastoje, kao sto su to vec ucinili u slucaju Vijetnama i Nikaragve, da ucenom izdejstvuju ne samo brisanje svojih dugova prema zemljama koje su ojadili, nego i da na te zemlje prevale bar deo ogromnih troskova svojih "mirovnih" operacija u Bosni i na Kosmetu, koji su do 2000. vec premasili 21 milijardu dolara.

To je ona bezobzirna politika koja se u ovom casu, povodom eventualnog izrucenja Milosevica Haskom sudu, sprovodi i prema nasoj zemlji i zahvaljujuci kojoj se zrtve preobracaju u vinovnike, a vinovnici u zrtve.

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