Title: RE: [TW] Macedonian racist regime

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Dear Mr Tulak,

Yes, of course - and I don't see how it is possible for anyone to suggest otherwise.
With all due respect, even to say that Kosovo represented the only "direct" military
intervention is itself a simplistic evasion - given the inordinate outside military
training, hardware, embargo-busting weapons supply, plus strategic, PR and propaganda
advice routinely afforded Croat and Muslim separatist forces... Not to mention the
openly aggressive NATO air-strikes against Serbian civilian communities towards the
end of the Bosnian campaigns.

Quite apart from that, Germany's haste to recognize first Croatia, then Bosnia, as
entities in their own rite, quickly followed by American and British agreement to do
the same, were, I submit, "external pressures" of the highest magnitude. And which -
together with the more material involvements referred to above and a biased Western
media hoo-ha - not only accellerated the pace, violence and resultant bloodshed of
both civil-wars, but virtually guaranteed Yugoslavia's imminent disintegration into
the bargain.

Actually, I think you'll find the admirably candid Canadian General, Lewis McKenzie,
to be pretty unequivocal on such scores as these himself.

Meanwhile, that there were, and always have been, smouldering resentments and insurgent
elements within the various federal regions and enclaves of Yugoslavia is not disputed.
That is, (and also always has been) the periodically shifting state of affairs in many
other nation states all over the world, including the United States of America... Which,
in common with most others - especially until NATO cast about in desperate search of a
new role for itself - was left to get on with resolving its own internal strife without
outside interference or ensuing fragmentation back in 1865... Although perhaps, even then, Washington's treatment of its "Native Americans" was already a prophetic pointer to how
it would, later on, choose to "order" the rest of the world.

John Jay   

>From: "Tulak, Arthur N MAJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [TW] Macedonian racist regime
>Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2001, 3:43 pm

Dear Mr. Jay,

Are you saying that Yugoslavia disintegrated because of external pressures?
The only western intervention that has accelerated the disintegration of the
FRY has been the Kosovo Operation, which carved out a piece that may, or may
not go back to the remnant FRY.  All previous efforts came in after civil
war had created new states.  Only the Cold War gridlock and the suppression
of Communism under Tito was able to keep nationalism in check.  When the
Cold War closed and Tito died, these pressures were released.  


Arthur Tulák

From: John Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TW] Macedonian racist regime
Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2001, 10:09 am

In my opinion, almost everything Ivo says here is quite right. So I find
it curious that the most obvious conclusion staring anyone who reads and
agrees with it in the face, is the one thing he avoids even mentioning...

Namely, that the former sovereign Federal State of Yugoslavia, (in stark
contrast to everything its invading Western meddlers tried to pretend)
was, in fact, a comparative model of multi-ethnic unity and should never
have been interfered with... Much less - dismembered, bombed, invaded and
administered by occupying forces from outside.

Too bad, so many more people are coming to recognize this - yet still can't
quite manage to bring themselves to say so!

John Jay

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