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The SAS has been chasing Karadzic

In summer 1997, the SAS members came close to Karadzic during the operation called "Tango 2". In November 2000 chase started again. Members of the 14th SAS brigade started operating in the eastern part of the Serb Republic, near the borders with Montenegro and Serbia.

By Branimir Gajic

A barrack in the British SFOR base in Ramici village nearby Prijedor was the center of secret activities. The barrack was reserved for the SAS members and common officers and soldiers had no idea what was going inside.

The SAS structures have very strict intelligence procedures and not a single datum or plan could leak out of the barrack.
The Special Air Service was formed during the Second World War to perform tasks, which the regular army was not able to perform.
The SAS came to Bosnia to catch individuals, indicted for war crimes by the Hague Tribunal.

The SAS missions were divided into several categories according to their importance. Although the SAS members were searching for less famous indictees, their most important task was to arrest Serb war leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.

During 1997 and 1998 there were three unsuccessful attempts to arrest them. The SAS had reliable information but it wasn't sufficient for a successful action. It couldn't catch Ratko Mladic because he was in Serbia. However, its members were constantly following Karadzic and could define his hiding area. In summer 1997, the SAS members came close to Karadzic for the first time but they failed to catch him. In November 2000, chase started again. During winter and spring, members of the 14th SAS brigade started operating in the eastern part of the Serb Republic, near the borders with Montenegro and Serbia. Members of the 14th brigade moved through Bosnian villages and towns as engineers, journalists and businessmen. Their teams consisted of four members. Two members were usually operating "outside" while other two members were waiting in a hotel. They sent information to the SAS center in Ramici village, which forwarded it to the SAS center in Credenhill, a former RAF base in England.

The SAS made a plan and decided to carry it out in July 2001. The SAS motto says: "He, who dares, wins".

Chase after Karadzic was similar to the chase after Tito, attempted by Germans in the same region during the Second World War. Many things have changed since the Second World War but Germans were involved in chase after another Balkan war leader. Namely, the German KSK required that their special unit be involved in chase after Karadzic. The SAS agreed that the KSK participate in the operation as a rear group. American Delta units had a role in preparation of the action too. British officers were worried with participation of different forces because they didn't have insight in their operative secrecy and security.

They didn't like the fact that the entire operation would be performed in French sector. They were assured that information leaked in the neighboring sector. Surprise was dominant factor in the subtle operation and crucial for success of the operation. According to the plan, three teams would patrol in order to find Karadzic's shelter. Two teams would enter the Serb Republic through Serbia. They would move through Serbia in mufti and take uniforms, arms and communication equipment near the border. The third team would pass by Celebici and Foca and head toward the mountain where Radovan Karadzic was hiding. That team would be followed by two other teams, which made a group of 20 people. The command estimated that they could approach the village unnoticed, neutralize sentries and approach the house marked as the "object". Before the action, it was agreed that a helicopter would be waiting to collect the "prey" and members of two teams. The helicopter was stationed in a valley about 20 km away. The command planned a solution in case the things went wrong. It was possible that the SAS members might be discovered when liquidating sentries. Consequently, Serb forces might consolidate and open fire. In that case, the SAS members would stop the operation and the helicopter would collect casualties. The command estimated that 120 trained and loyal people with war experience were protecting Radovan Karadzic. It increased the possibility of another unsuccessful action and potential casualties.

The second part of the plan would follow the cease of the operation: inflammable substances would be thrown from helicopters, setting the forest on fire. It would make Radovan Karadzic and his group go in the direction, where they would come across thousand of SFOR soldiers, tanks and helicopters.

On Friday morning, one of two teams entered the Serb Republic through the FRY and had the first "contact" with Karadzic's men. Four members of the team were wounded in the shootout. At the same time, the second team "met" Serb sentries and suffered loss. The operation was stopped. The SAS base in Ramici village understood the unbelievable coincidence as "fall in an ambush".

Great Britain is to analyze the coincidence. The SAS members were the only persons who knew the team's paths. It is possible that someone noticed the teams in the FRY and informed the Serb Republic about their movements. Who did that: Yugoslavs, a foreign group, Russians or Karadzic's French liaisons?

On Monday morning, the first SFOR helicopter took off carrying inflammable substances and a great number of tanks were heading toward Foca. The forest nearby Foca caught fire. SFOR officials claimed that there were no struggles and that it was just a military practice. Moreover, the fire was attributed to summer heat.

Despite secrecy and denials, the operation got in the limelight. By the next weekend, the former president of the Serb Republic will either become another prisoner in Scheveningen, a myth if he is killed during the action or remain the unachievable and frustrating target of west special units.

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