
with the recent changes to the opensolaris release policy to ON/Net by Oracle, 
I wonder how COMSTAR and storage project NWS are affected by this. 

As I understand some parts of the OpenSolaris OS are not 100% CDDL but some 
other license - probably due to legacy legal issues. Now that COMSTAR is a 
relativly new product, I guess such legacies are not a issue for COMSTAR. 

I wonder if all COMSTAR source code is CDDL or does it rely on non CDDL code ? 

Same question for the other parts of project NWS:

- Fibre Channel Transport
- Interfaces for Fibre Channel HBA Drivers and hardware
- iSCSI (software initiator)
- Solaris iSNS Server
- Storage Management APIs
- Storage Management Utilities
- Sun StorageTek Availability Suite (AVS)  

Can someone clarify ? 

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