Project: Advanced syscall information tool

So, this week I've managed to provide first work version of the
asinfo tool(as I thought at least).
After that I wrote script to generate list of architectures, bit it
needs refining.
However, after last review, I've decided to change a little bit my
direction of work and improve syscall_dispatcher. I liked last idea
about filtering. The convention in filtering introduced by strace looks
useful for asinfo tool, so the idea
"no prefix means strict match, "%" prefix for syscall groups, "/" prefix
for regex match" seemed to be a good solution.
Therefore, as syscall dispatcher is going to filter coming request,
there is not need to use filter dispatcher.
As I understood, for now, strace provides basic_filter.c, therefore, it
could be useful.
Also, I am simplifying arch_list push back interface to make
storage of aliases easier to understand.
And other small improvements.

Unfortunately, tests will have to wait because of upcoming big refining.

Best regards,
Edgar Kaziahmedov

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