On 19-12-2008 at 06:49, Asleson, Ryan wrote:
> From what I can see there's one problem with MockRoundTrip:  I can tell
> it the class of the ActionBean I want to test, but I can't pass to it an
> instance of an ActionBean.  Instead, it seems to rely on creating an
> ActionBean instance when the round trip is executed.  This doesn't work
> for me, as I need to create an instance of the ActionBean myself so I
> can set mock collaborators on it.  My ActionBeans use Spring beans, and
> in my unit tests I mock out these Spring beans with EasyMock and inject
> them myself into the ActionBean under test.  
> Since MockRoundTrip creates an instance of the ActionBean on the fly,
> and doesn't let me create my own instance of the ActionBean, I can't set
> mock objects on the ActionBean.
> Is this correct, and if so, can you recommend any work around?

This is correct, but IIRC the MockROundTrip does a full cycle: filters,
servlets, interceptors, etc. So a correctly configured fixture will have
Spring inject the objects as usual -- apart from the fact that Spring uses
your mocked objects via EasyMock.

The actual configuration for this is too long ago for me though.

   ,-_  Oscar Westra van holthe - Kind      http://www.xs4all.nl/~kindop/
  /() )
 (__ (  I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly
=/  ()  by.  -- Douglas Adams

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