Hey Ben,

First things first, what about :
1/ full maven build (yeah, drop ant for good), with refactoring of the
source folders etc.
2/ integrate all "de facto standard" extensions to the main build (as
submodules) - Stripersist / Stripes security for starters
3/ ask plugin devs to submit doc for their plugins, to be integrated to the
main wiki

I know you're not a maven freak, but really, 2 separate builds is awkward,
and having a standard build would help a lot for third party integration. I
really think a small source layout refactoring and dropping all the
build.xml stuff wouldn't hurt.

I'm ok to do this on 1.5.x and trunk whenever you want.



2011/4/18 Ben Gunter <gunter...@gmail.com>

> I just chimed in on the LinkedIn discussion, though there's not much to my
> response. Basically, I'd like to see a clear plan for what you want to do.
> Then we can discuss how to execute the plan.
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Morten Matras <morten.mat...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi George
>> In the Stripesframework linked in group there is an ongoing discussion
>> regarding this topic.
>> There seems to be a consensus regarding your ideas. Currently we're
>> waiting for Ben / Tim to give their opinion before stepping forward with
>> some action.
>> Ben?
>> Thanks
>> Morten
>> 2011/4/14 George Clark <gc1...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi all,
>>>    I enjoy Stripes in my personal time.  Unfortunately, at the office
>>> we're using Grails.  I'm wondering if any of you have thought about or
>>> implemented a grails-type plugin solution in your dev environments?
>>>    There are a few things I enjoy about Grails and one of them is their
>>> plugin strategy.  It can be messy at times but I feel we've leveraged it
>>> well and it's become pretty valuable.   An example might be something
>>> off-the-shelf like an Acegi authentication plugin.  It can be "installed"
>>> through maven, and it's controllers, configuration and WEB-INF resources are
>>> merged into the main application.
>>>    But I suppose the real benefit is if you're in charge of five or six
>>> applications in different repositories and want to share more than just
>>> taglibs.  For instance, we have a system that consumes events from running
>>> applications and makes decisions to notify people of said events.   We've
>>> built a plugin that provides beans to create such events, controllers to act
>>> as an interface to the queued data, and controllers that provide views to
>>> allow humans to inspect the app directly complete with images, css and
>>> javascript.  It appears as a complete application structure:
>>> controllers/views/jars/assests, etc.
>>>    Any person creating a new webapp merely adds event-monitoring-plugin
>>> in their pom and now they've met the corporate web interface for monitoring
>>> and reporting.  Occasionally the plugin is upgraded and we can simply change
>>> the value in the pom and rebuild the application.  I'm feeling like if we
>>> were doing this is stripes I would be copying these resources into every
>>> application and they would live within that applications resources.
>>>    I suppose I could do something at build time where I unzip a package
>>> over-top of main application code which adds controllers and adds resources
>>> to WEB-INF.  Maybe I could also make it smart enough to modify the
>>> ActionResolver.Packages list.   Or, maybe I just need to think about this
>>> differently altogether!
>>>    What kinds of processes/solutions do you use when wanting to share
>>> this kind of code?
>>> Thanks!
>>> George
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>> --
>>   Morten Matras
>>   Consultant
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>>   Svendsagervej 42
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>>   E: morten.mat...@gmail.com
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