Can you use something like this:

On 2011-08-25 18:18, Taylor Boon wrote:


I am working on a web application and would like to send an array of JSON-serialized objects to my Stripes application as a POST parameter and have them be serialized into their Java counterparts. The parameter is received by Stripes as

foos=[{"id":10,"name":"Name 1","description":"Description 1"},{"id":4,"name":"Name 2","description":"Description2"}]

In Java, I have a Foo class. In my ActionBean I have

public List<Foo> foos;

I've also written a FooTypeConverter, which works for a singular instance of Foo, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to handle a list. The DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder will send the entire value string to my converter.

Here's what I have tried (in decreasing order of desperation):

-Custom TypeConverterFactory, a JsonTypeConverter to generically handle JSON, and an annotation to denote fields that should be processed by the JsonTypeConverter. However, the field is not sent to the getTypeConverter only the type (List in this case), so I cannot see whether it has been annotated and hence I never return the JsonTypeConverter

-Custom ActionBeanPropertyBinder to alter the HTTPRequest's parameter map, then I remembered that the parameterMap is immutable.

-Changing my FooTypeConverter to handle a JSON array. However, when I return a List of Foos, bindNonNullValue in the DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder fails when trying to set the value with an EvaluationException ("could not write read-only property") even though the field is public.

These are just my attempts that I got into testable shape; there were some other really crazy ideas. J

So, does anyone have any insight into how to do this? Aside from changing List<Foo> foos to String foos and parsing it post facto in my ActionBean method. Should I just bite the bullet and write my own implementation of ActionBeanPropertyBinder and have it check the parameter for JSON-ness and process it, otherwise defer to the default property binder? I'm really trying to play by the rules and plug into the Stripes architecture by doing as little as possible, but this one really has me stumped.

I hope this makes sense; it's been a long frustrating day. Any insight would be appreciated.

Best Regards,


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