yep .. I didn't see that one.   That makes sense.   Thanks for clarifying.    
In that case, a line in the class doco for each of those "not thread safe .. do 
not cache one instance anywhere" wouldn't hurt.    

Actually in my case it wasn't even the snippet I posted causing the problem, 
since that map only contains MY type converters that coincidentally are all 
thread safe ...  After a second look, I found another class that had a field, 
private IntegerTypeConverter intConverter; ...  can't do that... had to delete 
the field and pull it from the factory inside the method call (reinstantiate 
it) instead of pulling it once in the constructor.  That smells but really it's 
the JDKs fault.   I just dislike it when any classes in a web application 
aren't thread safe, because you never know how you might want to use something. 
From: Ben Gunter []
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 7:50 AM
To: Stripes Users List
Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] Subclassing TypeConverterFactory --        

I did this and committed it years ago. Then Tim saw the change and told me he 
already had a JIRA issue for it that should have been resolved Won't Fix. He 
had done some testing and found that it really doesn't help enough to be worth 
the added complexity. So he reverted it.

See for reference:


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Newman, John W 
<<>> wrote:

I just wanted to sound off about this as I know I borrowed this snippet of code 
from someone on this mailing list a long time ago, and I think there may be a 
few others out there still using it.  Subclassing the type converter factory to 
cache the instances instead of reinstating every time like so:

public class TypeConverterFactory extends DefaultTypeConverterFactory  {

      private static Map<Class<? extends TypeConverter<?>>, TypeConverter<?>> 
converterInstanceMap =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<? extends TypeConverter<?>>, 

      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")      // super method uses raw type .. 
should be <?>
      public TypeConverter getInstance(Class<? extends TypeConverter> clazz,
                  Locale locale) throws Exception {
            TypeConverter<?> typeConverter = converterInstanceMap.get(clazz);
            return typeConverter == null ? super.getInstance(clazz, locale) : 

.. is a bad idea, as it saves instances of the DateTypeConverter and 
NumberTypeConverter which are NOT thread safe.  I’ve had to remove this to get 
my load tests to pass.

At first I thought it was a bug that those are not thread safe, then I noticed 
this instance cache.   I’d like to propose that the default converter works 
this way to avoid this inefficient instantiation on every request, and that the 
DateTypeConverter and NumberTypeConverter  either synchronize on the 
SimpleDateFormat and NumberFormat instances or pool them.  The sync approach 
would be a pretty easy patch, I’d be happy to submit it, pooling would be 
better but would be more complex and probably add a dependency.  Any thoughts 
on that?


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