
Unfortunately there ain't no "official" Stripes/Hibernate plugin as far as
I know. We had "Stripernate" once but it doesn't seem to exist any more. We
discussed this on IRC recently and agreed it's a problem, the lack of such
integration layers...

We're typically in the case of someone who wants to persist data (everybody
or almost does) and we have no real answer for him. It's doable and many of
us rolled their own solution, but it's not available directly, as a plugin,
whereas it totally could (Stripernate).

Anyway, here's how it goes :
1/ setup the SessionFactory at init time (webapp listener or
load-on-startup servlet), configure the entity classes etc
2/ register Type Converter(s) and Formatters for Entity classes : those
will convert incoming HTTP params to Entity objects (we often refer to this
as "hydratation" of the Domain Objects)
3/ manage transactions (per request - OSIV, per DAO call, ...)
4/ integrate Validator to ValidationMetadataProvider

I think integrating another ORM would be pretty much similar.

1,2 and 3 are pretty easy to handle. 4 is another story.

Here's some code (from Woko <http://woko.pojosontheweb.com>) if you want to
have a look :

(implementation of the persistence layer built on hibernate)


and their factories : those use the ObjectStore in 1/ in order to do the

(OSIV style, implemented as a Stripes Interceptor)


Again, this code is clearly not something you should need to worry about,
it is quite specific Stripes/Hb gluecode.

So I'd start with a built-in stack if I were you, be it Woko or another,
but with one single requirement : your UI code (ie controllers and views)
should not depend on the framework. If it's done correctly, persistence is
non-intrusive, and you should be able to replace the whole thing without
impacting the whole app. The code that depends on Hb is the Type Converters
and stuff, but again, this is transparent.

With Woko, and probably the other folks' frameworks too, you just write
annotated entities and have all the rest working directly (1,2,3, and 4).
Then you can write your ActionBeans and JSPs, with a persistence layer that
works ootb. You don't have to use *all* of those stacks, and they can serve
as a bootstrap for writing applicative code directly instead of plumbing.

You can even remove the dep on the fwk eventually, and implement the
persistence layer differently.



2015-08-21 2:27 GMT+02:00 parveen yadav <parveenyadavtit...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All,
> This is my first interaction with Stripes. The framework looks clean and
> simple. I come from Oracle Commerce(formally ATG) background and do not
> have
> experience with any other frameworks at all. I am unable to find any step
> by
> step guide to integrate Hibernate or EBean with stripes. The documentation
> (only for Hibernate) provided on the site is more for a experienced
> programmer.
> I am developing a portal related to real-estate. It will be really helpful
> if someone could help me out on integrating ebeans or hibernate with
> Stripes
> thanks
> yadav
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