Hi Rémi,

thanks for the tip! :-) Although my JMX MBean doesn't have access to the
servlet context, it's also a Spring managed bean, so I've also made it
ServletContextAware, which solves the access to the servletContext from the

At the time of servletContext injection, the Stripes Filter hasn't
initialized yet, so I just grab the reference to the servletContext there,
and ended up with an action method in the lines of:

    public Map< String, Object > bindings() {
        if( !scannedConfiguration && servletContext != null ) {
            final StripesFilter sf = ( StripesFilter
)servletContext.getAttribute( StripesFilter.class.getName() );
            if ( sf != null ) {
                grabUrlBindingsFrom( sf.getInstanceConfiguration() );
                scannedConfiguration = true;
                LOG.info( "Stripes Filter configuration readed" );
            } else {
                LOG.warn( "Stripes Filter not yet initialized" );
        return stripesUrlBindings;

best regards,
juan pablo

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:21 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <r...@rvkb.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> Ok, seems too complicated.
> Another way maybe : use the StripesFilter instance that is bound to the
> ServletContext. In net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter#init :
> this.servletContext.setAttribute(StripesFilter.class.getName(), this);
> So I guess that you can retrieve the filter's configuration by :
> StripesFilter sf = (StripesFilter)servletContext.getAttribute(
> StripesFilter.class.getName())
> Configuration c = sf.getInstanceConfiguration();
> Now for the multiple configs, I'm not aware of any docs, users, or even
> use cases for the feature.
> I don't see the need for a webapp with multiple runtime configs,
> especially in Stripes which does everything once at startup time... I think
> it's a relic from ancient ages where containers were not managing
> classloader isolation very well...
> If you find any use for this, please tell me, I'd like to know :P
> Rémi
> 2016-08-01 19:03 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
> juanpablo.san...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Remi,
>> quite there, but still not sure if there is a better way to do this.
>> ConfigurableComponent is used on two separate places:
>> - to instantiate core parts of Stripes (i.e. object factory, action bean
>> resolver, property binder, context factory, etc.). Stripes only allows to
>> have on of each one of those parts, so if I want to access there Stripes'
>> configuration I have to replace one of those core, default classes with a
>> custom one. Not very appealing. Also, at that stage, Stripes Configuration
>> hasn't finished, so depending on which part you substitute, you may not
>> have all the information you need from Stripes configuration.
>> - to initialize Interceptors which also implement ConfigurableComponent.
>> I went this way, hoping that I could declare an Interceptor without
>> annotating it with @Intercepts (so it would be called only when
>> initializated), but if the Interceptor isn't annotated, then it gets
>> ignored. So I've ended up with an empty intercepts() method which get's
>> called on every request, but at least I'm able to get the required
>> configuration at init() time. Not the cleanest thing, but it gets things
>> done. I also looked at ObjectPostProcessors, but they're instantiated too
>> early to be able to have a look at url bindings.
>> Ideally, to support this kind of use cases, it would be nice to have some
>> sort of CustomConfigurableComponent (empty interface extending
>> ConfigurableComponent) which Stripes could use to initialize all classes
>> implementing it after it's done with the other ConfigurableComponents.
>> Thoughts?
>> Finally, just out of curiosity, regarding multiple configs: I've come
>> accross some comments on StripesFilter saying that it's possible, is there
>> any more documentation about this feature? I've had a quick look at
>> StripesFilter code, so most probably are more comments or javadocs
>> elsewhere.
>> thanks in advance,
>> juan pablo
>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 3:09 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <r...@rvkb.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Juan Pablo,
>>> Maybe keep the configuration it as a static field of a
>>> @ConfigurableComponent ?
>>> Note that it'll work only if you have one config. Stripes config allows
>>> to do lots of fancy stuff that I personally never used, but who knows, that
>>> door is open :P
>>> Cheers
>>> Rémi
>>> 2016-07-28 14:27 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
>>> juanpablo.san...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we're currently developing some MBeans for some administrative tasks
>>>> and we would like to expose all registered ActionBeans URLs through JMX.
>>>> Obtaining them is easy, if you have a request routed through StripesFilter:
>>>>     Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings() {
>>>>         final Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings = new
>>>> HashMap<>();
>>>>         if( StripesFilter.getConfiguration() != null &&
>>>> StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver() instanceof
>>>> AnnotatedClassActionResolver ) {
>>>>             final AnnotatedClassActionResolver acar = (
>>>> AnnotatedClassActionResolver
>>>> )StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver();
>>>>             final Map< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean > >
>>>> stripesOriginalUrlBindings = acar.getUrlBindingFactory().getPathMap();
>>>>             for( final Map.Entry< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean >
>>>> > entry : stripesOriginalUrlBindings.entrySet() ) {
>>>>                 final Map< String, String > map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
>>>>                 map.put( "actionbean",
>>>> entry.getValue().getCanonicalName() );
>>>>                 stripesUrlBindings.put( "{[" + entry.getKey() +
>>>> "],methods=[*]}", map );
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>         return stripesUrlBindings;
>>>>     }
>>>> However, a JMX call is not going to be routed through the StripesFilter
>>>> so StripesFilter.getConfiguration() yields null, and an error stating that
>>>> the request hasn't been routed through Stripes is logged.
>>>> any ideas on how to proceed?
>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>> juan pablo
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