> On 2/6/2001 at 11:02 AM Carl Tallis wrote:
> >example code runs *untouched* on WLS 6.0,
> So, for WLS 6.0 are we talking an install like:
> * Copy "struts-documentation.war" and "struts-example.war"
>   to your $WLS6_HOME/webapps directory
> * Restart WLS if it is already running
Correct.  I noticed some odd behaviour initially.  Excerpts of a reply to
another user:

The only issue I've had is a rather odd "feature" of WLS.  The initial
deployment did the standard expansion of the .war into the normal
subdirectory structure.  I ran the demo & tested that it all ran o.k.,
worked on some other apps, and had to reboot.  When my system came back up,
the subdirectory structure was gone!  Moreover, the app still ran!  WLS
apparently can, and does, run the application directly from the .war.  Why,
I don't know - I just expect that I can defeat this behaviour by manually
expanding the application.  The implications of this were that 1) the system
ran like molassas - nothing stayed compiled when I bounced the server, and
this server runs like poop on my laptop; and 2) the standard database .xml
file didn't get saved, so there was no persistent data storage.  I don't
expect a problem fixing this.

Oh, and the server doesn't seem to pick up the changes to .JSPs very well
(o.k., not at all), but that's no doubt some parameter I can tweak.

I've since communicated with the BEA guys about the latter matter, and
they've only succeeded in pointing out the same settings that are detailed
in the on-line manuals (which didn't help).  However, having satisfied
myself that I can deploy Struts to run on WLS 6, I'm comfortable developing
on Tomcat.

> If so, I'll rework the package so that we can apply these for several
> of the containers (Tomcat 3.1+, Resin, and WLS 6.0+), and then focus on
> the exceptions (Orion, WLS51 SP8, et cetera).
> Anyone with notes on using a container with Apache is also welcome to
> contribute those.
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