On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >The only restriction would be where the Struts build.xml looked for
> >build.properties.  My proposal would be that it should be in the same
> >directory that build.xml is (but, as mentioned earlier, *not* checked in
> >to CVS).  That way, you can have different sets of build properties for
> >your different projects without having to continually modify environment
> >variables.
> I really like including a properties file from the current directory (in
> relation to build.xml) as well as one from a centralized place (like the user's
> home directory).
> Essentially:
> <property file="build.properties" />
> <property file=${user.home}/build.properties" />
> And of course these statements are ignored if the files don't exist.

Ant (at least 1.2 and 1.3) do the latter one for you.  On Unix, use
"${user.home}/.antrc" to hold global properties.  On Windows, you put
"antrc_pre.bat" and "antrc_post.bat" files in a directory identified by
the %HOME% environment variable (on Win98).

So, the good news is we only have to worry about the local directory
properties file.

> >Essentially, "build.properties" replaces having to set all the environment
> >variables required by the current "build.sh" and "build.bat" scripts, but
> >gives you the same flexibility to use whichever components *you* want to,
> >without impacting which ones *I* am using (and vice versa).  Am I missing
> >something?
> >Craig
> mark
> Mark R Mascolino
> The Procter & Gamble Co.

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