+1 for 'indexed="true"'

+1 for 'indexId'

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Indexed tags - proposal to add changes

> Hi.  Does anyone have any comments on this?  Personally I would opt for
> includeIndex="yes" as indexed="true" to match other syntax.
> But, do we want to provide both types of indexed links?
> Cheers,
> Dave
> Oleg V Alexeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/07/2001
02:03:25 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>       respond to Oleg V Alexeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
> Subject:  Re[2]: Indexed tags - proposal to add changes
> Hello dhay,
> Link tag must build name of some parameter on base of index value or
> use it as separate parameter (I agree with you... 8) )
> <html:link forward="news" paramName="sell" parampProperty="when"
> paramId="whenSell" includeIndex="yes"></html:index>
> with result as - http://.../news.do?whenSell=today[30]
> Or
> <html:link forward="news" name="bean" property="linkMap"
> includeIndex="yes" indexId="myIndex"></html:link>
> with result as - http://.../news.do?id=2&myIndex=30
> Friday, July 06, 2001, 10:10:33 PM, you wrote:
> dlc> Oleg,
> dlc> Hi.  Agree that the link tag is different, but think that it is due
to its
> dlc> nature!  Unlike the other tags, adding index as a query param seems
to me
> the
> dlc> only reasonable way to provide access to the index in the link.  Not
> how
> dlc> else to do it (if you try and use name, obviously you change the link
> an
> dlc> anchor!).
> dlc> If you (or anyone else) has any suggestions to handle it in a better
> would
> dlc> like to hear them - maybe I missed something!
> dlc> Cheers,
> dlc> Dave
> dlc> Oleg V Alexeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/06/2001
> 01:47:47 PM
> dlc> Please respond to
> Please
> dlc>       respond to Oleg V Alexeev
> dlc> To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> dlc> cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
> dlc> Subject:  Re: Indexed tags - proposal to add changes
> dlc> Hello dhay,
> dlc> I think it useful addition with minimal changes of existing code -
> dlc> good solution. But there is one problem for my mind - html:link with
> dlc> index=x. All another tag proposals are simple and transparent.
> dlc> Friday, July 06, 2001, 9:31:21 PM, you wrote:
> dlc>> Hi everyone.
> dlc>> I have been posting to the user list for some time now regarding
> dlc>> indexed names within an iterate tag.   From feedback from that list,
> dlc> seems
> dlc>> to be an important addition to the current tags.
> dlc>> While looking to write my own additional tags which would do this
> dlc>> html:indexedText etc), I discovered that this functionality could
> be
> dlc>> added to the current tags, now that the getIndex() method is
available, by
> dlc>> creating an extra parameter 'indexed' which when set to true would
> dlc> the
> dlc>> indexed names.  The necessary additions to current code were small
> dlc> quite
> dlc>> clean, as follows:
> dlc>> - added 'indexed' as a parameter in BaseHandlerTag, with appropriate
> dlc>> setter/getter
> dlc>> - added if statement which checks for 'indexed=true', and if so,
> dlc> "[x]"
> dlc>> to the name, before appending property eg myProperty[x].value.
> dlc>>   This was added to BaseFieldTag (to cover tags which extend this)
> dlc>> CheckBoxTag, & SelectTag
> dlc>>  as follows:
> dlc>>    //if "indexed=true" parameter, create indexed name for this tag
> dlc>> name="myCollection[x].myproperty"
> dlc>>    if ("true".equals(indexed))
> dlc>>    {
> dlc>>       // look for outer iterate tag
> dlc>>       IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag)
> dlc>> IterateTag.class);
> dlc>>       if (iterateTag == null)
> dlc>>       {
> dlc>>          // this tag should only be nested in iteratetag, if it's
> dlc> don't do
> dlc>> anything
> dlc>>          return EVAL_PAGE;
> dlc>>       }
> dlc>>       results.append(getName());
> dlc>>       results.append("[");
> dlc>>       results.append(iterateTag.getIndex());
> dlc>>       results.append("].");
> dlc>>    }
> dlc>> - Slight variations were added to SubmitTag and ButtonTag to simply
> dlc> index to
> dlc>> it's name ie mySubmit[x].
> dlc>> - linkTag was somewhat different due to its nature.  I added if
> dlc> to add
> dlc>> "index=x" as a parameter to the link's querystring  ie
> dlc> or
> dlc>> myAction.do?param1=37&index=1, as follows:
> dlc>>         //if "indexed=true", add "index=x" parameter to query string
> dlc>>         if ("true".equals(indexed))
> dlc>>         {
> dlc>>            // look for outer iterate tag
> dlc>>            IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag)
> findAncestorWithClass(this,
> dlc>> IterateTag.class);
> dlc>>            if (iterateTag == null)
> dlc>>            {
> dlc>>                // this tag should only be nested in iteratetag, if
> dlc> not,
> dlc>> don't do anything
> dlc>>               System.out.println("couldn't find enclosing iterate
> dlc>>               return EVAL_PAGE;
> dlc>>            }
> dlc>>            //calculate index, and add as a parameter
> dlc>>            if (params == null)
> dlc>>            {
> dlc>>                params = new HashMap();             //create new
HashMap if
> dlc> no
> dlc>> other params
> dlc>>            }
> dlc>>            params.put("index", "" + iterateTag.getIndex());
> dlc>>         }
> dlc>> - minimal changes to struts-html.tld to add 'indexed' as param.
> dlc>> All of this code has been available at Ted's site for a while, and I
> dlc> like
> dlc>> to suggest it is added to the Struts source.  Numerous people are
> dlc> using
> dlc>> it, and I believe many more would if it was part of the build.
> dlc>> Would appreciate your feedback, and not sure what happens next (just
> joined
> dlc> this
> dlc>> list)!
> dlc>> Cheers,
> dlc>> Dave
> dlc>> PS  code attached(See attached file: struts indexed files.ZIP)
> dlc> --
> dlc> Best regards,
> dlc>  Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Best regards,
>  Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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