It looks like you have most of it complete. I have a few suggestions from
generators I wrote. I would add the ability to generate classes using
templates - JSP, ActionForm, and Action. Each template would have tokens
that would be replaced by appropriate generated text. The templates allow
the user to customize standard text such as javadoc, license info, method
signatures, standard logic, etc. In addition, I would allow the user to
create their own tokens, token rules, and specify what templates these rules
apply. This allows users to easily extend the generation logic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ravindran Ramaiah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: TODO 1.1 - Tools - ActionForm Code Generator

Code existing on 

1. Generates JSPs along with ActionForm and Action classes.
   Configuration is done through XML. (Two pass generator)
2. Can also be used to generate only the Form and Action classes
   from the existing JSPs.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Winterfeldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: TODO 1.1 - Tools - ActionForm Code Generator

You might want to look at what has already been
started.  I started something basic and Ravi has been
working on something that generates code based on your
JSP page.

Struts CodeMaker by Ravindran Ramaiah - Generate
Struts application by reading configuration file or
JSP files.

Struts Generator by David Winterfeldt - Based on the
generator.xml and a table/query an xml file is
generated. Based on the generated xml file a primary
key class, data bean class, jdbc class, and an
ActionForm (Struts) can be generated.

General link to other resources on Ted Husted's site.


--- "Baldree, Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was reviewing Struts 1.1 TODO list and have an
> interest in developing the
> XML -> ActionForm Code Generator. I have a generic
> generator framework that
> supports specific generator component plugins. I
> could easily write a plugin
> to generate the ActionForms. However, I noticed
> Martin Cooper is the
> volunteer. How can I get in contact with him to
> inquire if there is still a
> need for this tool, status of work of any that has
> been done, etc.
> Matt Baldree

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