To be honest, lilke some others, I haven't tried a nightly build lately. 

One thing is that the digester, et al, have been moved to the Commons,
and there are now dependancies on those "external" packages.

Also, I believe someone has mentioned that there were some conflicts
with the later versions of the Digester. 

Wish I could be of more help.

What feature are you after? Is is something you could patch to 1.0?

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

David Corbin wrote:
> I'm not an active developer of struts (as you probably know), and I've only
> been using it for about 3 months. But, I need a feature that is "post 1.0",
> so I figured I'd try the Nightly Build.  I downloaded and installed the 11/3
> build and encounterd a problem:
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
>         at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.getReader(
>         at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
>         at
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.initMapping(
>         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
> 1) I assumed that for nightly build related problems, I should raise the
> question on this list, rather than the struts-user list.  Is that correct?
> My appologies, if it isn't
> 2) Is this problem...
>     a) "oops - that's not good build problem"?  What's a reasonably stable
> recent build?
>     b) a configuration problem of some type on my side?  perhaps something
> specifically related to to the 1.0 to Nightly upgrade?
>     c) something else?  Suggestions?
> Thanks
> David Corbin
> --
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